Kilimanjaro Expedition

Duration Included When Group Size Price
11 Days
  • 7 Day Machame Route
  • Chemka Natural Springs
  • extra acclimatisation day 
  • extra rest days 
September / October  Max 12 $3680

Here’s How We Prepare for Summit Success 

Our purpose is to give you the highest chance for success in summiting Mt Kilimanjaro. 

Here’s how we do it: 

  • extra rest day before we begin the hike 
  • extra acclimatisation day during the hike
  • expert local guides with 100s of successful summits each 
  • group sizes limited to 12 for a more personalised experience
  • full kit list provided to make sure you have the best gear and if you don’t, we have high-quality rental options 
  • 24/7 WhatsApp support group prior to departure for help with preparation and training
  • a stress-free experience with all details and logistics taken care of for you
  • Chris personally accompanying every group, from the airport to the summit! 



kilimanjaro expedition trekking group



Is This For Me?


By joining the Global Shenanigans Kilimanjaro Expedition, you’ll be embarking on an unforgettable experience of a lifetime, with a group of fun and adventurous travellers such as yourself. Whether you are coming alone or bringing a friend, we will become a supportive team to encourage one another all the way to the summit!


The Machame route is a strenuous 7 day hike. A moderate fitness level is required to help make this an enjoyable experience and to increase your chances of reaching the summit. That being said, you do not need to be an expert hiker or a marathon runner to achieve success. An active and healthy lifestyle, coupled with a strong will and motivation shall get you to the top.



kilimanjaro expedition trek crater sunrise




airport transfers

all accommodations before and after the hike

an extra rest day before the hike 

an extra acclimatisation day during the hike

all food during activity days 

Chemka Natural Springs 

24/7 pre-trip group chat and gear help 

full kit list and rental options 

local mountain guides with 100s of successful summits each

park and rescue fees included, as well as emergency oxygen 

Chris personally accompanies every expedition, from the airport to the summit!

* Note – flights and visas are not included. 


hiking kilimanjaro expedition marangu route



2025 Kilimanjaro Expedition Dates


October 2 – 12


Total trip cost: Mt Kilimanjaro Hike $3680 USD


A $500 deposit is required to confirm your place, with final payment due 3 months prior to departure.

Transferring from GBP to USD is very easy, please get in touch for details of how to do this. 

Terms & Conditions of your booking.

Ready to Say YES to the Trip of a Lifetime?


Click BOOK NOW to get your space locked in. 


Or CLICK HERE for a free Trip Meeting with Chris to answer any questions you may have before getting your place booked. 


What Equipment Do I Need For a Kilimanjaro Expedition? 


A complete and comprehensive kit list of everything you should (and shouldn’t) bring on a Kilimanjaro hiking expedition can be found by clicking RIGHT HERE. Be sure to bookmark the page as a reference. 



Kilimanjaro Expedition: Day By Day Breakdown


Day 1: Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) to Moshi.
Elevation: 800m
Distance: 36 km
Driving Time: 60 min
Habitat: Town
Chris will meet you at JRO (Kilimanjaro International Airport) and transfer you to your hotel in Moshi. The day is spent resting and relaxing by the pool.


Day 2: Chemka Hot Springs
Elevation: 600m

Driving time: 60-90 min
Habitat: Forested oasis in savannah 

A water table runs off from the mountains and beneath the ground. At Chemka, a natural spring pushes the crystal clear water to the surface, creating an idyllic swimming spot complete with rope swing.  


Day 3: From Hotel /Machame Gate /Machame Campsite.
Elevation: 800m to 1700m to 3000m.
Distance: 13 km.
Hiking time: 5 hours.
Habitat: Montane forest.
After breakfast we’ll head to Machame gate. We begin through the rainforest to Machame camp, where we will find the tents are already setup for us. 


Day 4: Machame Hut Campsite to Shira Campsite
Elevation: 3000m to 3800m
Distance: 9km
Hiking time: 6-7 hours
Habitat: Moorland.
We’ll leave the rainforest and continue ascending by crossing little valleys and a steep rocky ridge to the western side of the mountain. This camp provides spectacular views of Mt Meru, Shira Plateau and Kibo Peak.


Day 5: Shira campsite to Barranco campsite
Elevation: 3800m to 3950m.
Distance: 13km
Hiking time: 5-7 hours
Habitat: Moorland.
Heading to the Lava Tower Rock 4600m for lunch and acclimatisation. Afterwards, we head down to Barranco camp. The camp is located in the bottom valley of Barranco wall.


Day 6: Barranco campsite to Karanga campsite
Elevation: 3950m to 3900m
Distance: 6 km
Hiking time: 4-5 hours.
Habitat: Moorland / Alpine Desert.
In the morning we will start climbing the famous Barranco wall, reaching 4200m for acclimatisation. We’ll then continue crossing ridges and valleys to Karanga campsite for a hot lunch.


Day 7: Karanga Campsite to Barafu Campsite
Elevation: 3900m to 4620m.
Distance: 8 km.
Hiking time: 3-4 hours.
Habitat: Alpine Desert.
The trek up to the Barafu ridge campsite is tough as we reach higher altitude. The walk will take a few hours at a slow pace to avoid fatigue as we will trek across an alpine desert. Chances are that a strong, cold wind will be blowing from Kibo peak. We will have an early dinner at 17:00 and then rest until midnight, when we begin towards the summit of Kilimanjaro.


Day 8: Barafu Camp/ Uhuru Peak/ Mweka Camp
Elevation: 4620m to 5895m to 3100m
Distance: 15km
Hiking time: 10 – 12 hours
Habitat: Desert and ice.
Wake at midnight and prepare for our summit ascent. The goal is to climb before dawn so that we can reach the crater shortly before or after sunrise. The trail is a series of switchbacks up steep scree or possibly snow, and reach Stella Point on the crater rim at 5,861m. At this point we will have the view of the crater and glaciers facing in front of us. Then after 1 hour of hiking along the Kibo crater rim we will arrive at Kilimanjaro’s true summit, Uhuru Peak. After our summit celebrations are finished, we’ll descend back to Barafu campsite for lunch, rest, pack up camp and continue down through moorland to Mweka campsite. 


Day 9: Mweka campsite to Mweka gate.
Elevation: 3100m to 1700m
Distance: 9km
Descending time: 3-4 hours
Habitat: Montane forest.
Today is our last day on the mountain. After breakfast we will descend down to Mweka gate walking through Montane forest. The descent will take 3-4 hours. Here at the gate we will sign out and get ready to board the vehicle for the transfer back to the hotel for more celebrations!


Day 10: Moshi  
Now time to relax! We’ll spend the day hanging out by the pool. Sharing stories, reliving the experience and celebrating together. 


Day 11: Moshi to Kilimanjaro International Airport

Airport transfers can be arranged for any time, at your convince – or stay in Tanzania a few more days and continue the adventure with a safari! 



kilimanjaro expedition company


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Global Shenanigans
Average rating:  
 10 reviews
 by Emma Curran
Kilimanjaro Hike & Safari

The Best Kilimanjaro Team! Chris, Global Shenanigans, and our local guides were truly amazing! I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with them. We summited in October 2023 on the Machame Route and could not have done it without them! Chris had everything planned, was very responsive to questions prior to the trip, helped with recommendations for gear and training, and the whole trip was very well organized. We started the trip with a few days to relax and visit the Chemka Hot Springs before the climb. After the climb we had time to safari, relax, and celebrate our great accomplishment. It was a trip that I will cherish forever and such an incredible experience thanks to Chris. Everything end-to-end was very well planned and felt personalized versus booking with a larger tour company. I would highly recommend Global Shenangians!!!

 by Stephen Davies
Kilimanjaro - October 2023

I flew to Tanzania to climb a mountain and have an adventure. I flew back to the UK with a passion for a life of adventure. Thank you Chris for you infectious enthusiasm and contagious philosophy for a life of sustainable adventure, the relationships you have built locally to help our dreams carried us up "the hill" and the experiences we had before and after our climb the perfect "book ends" to both prepare us as a Team and help us reflect and unwind after, while enjoying more of the spectacular country. From swimming and rope swinging in a natural spring, climbing Kilimanjaro, to safari adventures and lazing in an infinity pool with a cold beer watching the sunset in great company, all round perfect trip and memories for life!

 by Frank and Samantha
Honeymoon - Private Safari to Ngorongoro and Serengeti

We would like to pass on our compliments and recommendation to Chris and the Global Shenanigans team for planning and organising our private safari in Tanzania for our honeymoon.

Chris is an exceptional communicator and made our life very easy in the planning stage, he was always providing information and advising on how to maximise our time in TZ. As soon as we had the itinerary nailed down it was all systems go. With a dedicated Whatsapp channel where could all stay in contact with each other, Chris and Thomas were able to provide great support which was a lifesaver when travelling over the land border between Kenya and TZ for tips, advise and guidance.

Once we arrived Thomas was a brilliant coordinator ensuring that all elements of the trip were smooth and allowed us to really enjoy the safari experience.

We couldn't possibly end a review without a big mention for our guy and safari guide Sam. Sam was such a legend and really brought the life to our safari experience. He was quite a chilled/relaxed kind of fella however he was always finding us incredible animal sightings and landing us in incredible settings for lunch. In addition, Sam was great company we could not recommend him enough as a safari guide and driver.

If you are considering any private or custom safari experience in TZ, please do not hesitate to reach out to Chris. You will not regret it.

Thank you Global Shenanigans for a brilliant experience in TZ.

 by Jack
Amazing experience!

This was truly a life changing adventure.
If you’re considering taking on this trip then I urge you to go for it! I’ve never taken on a challenge like this before and it was incredible!
Chris was on hand from the get go, answering questions and providing me with all the information I needed for this adventure.
Chris and his local team had everything sorted down to the last detail. I didn’t have to think about anything apart from enjoying myself. The trip was filled with activities allowing me to experience Tanzania for all its beauty and the amazing people and culture.
The climb itself was prepared and organised perfectly to give me the best chance of summiting and giving me an unforgettable experience. The team on the mountain were incredible and created a home away from home atmosphere as well as supporting me every step of the way to the top.

I can’t recommend Global Shenanigans enough, it was the perfect trip and had everything you could ever want from an adventure holiday!

10/10 Kili 4 life

 by Emma
Something to put on the ol' CV

Asante Sana to Global Shenanigans for an experience that not many will get to have in their lifetime.

As a solo woman traveller, with little experience in active adventures outside of the UK, it was important to me that I felt I would not only be safe, but have a group of people around me that I would enjoy my time with. Chris made absolutely sure that happened.

Chris' prompt and clear responses to any questions I had before my trip gave me confidence in the overall success of the expedition. Chris has a very hands-on hands-off demeanour about him. Each element of the trip is thought out thoroughly, yet has a very relaxed and almost spontaneous feel - which is something I believe you look out for in an adventure.

I am certain that my experience climbing Kili and the Safaris that followed, wouldn't have been as exciting, smooth running and laughter filled if it wasn't with Global Shenanigans and its team. Its one that I will hold a place in my heart for.

If you're thinking of climbing Kilimanjaro and reading this review to help you decide...then look no further. Book the trip. You wont be disappointed.

 by Struan
Top Class Adventure!

Chris really done it here, put everything together perfectly with an amazing team and just an amazing experience all round.

 by James
A proper adventure!

From start to finish the trip went as smoothly as could be, Chris used one of the best local companies to take care of the logistics on the ground and they couldn’t have been more friendly and professional. Everything Chris included in the itinerary was great fun both before and after the climb and it gave us the chance to really get to experience Tanzania and meet the wonderful people there. The climb itself was a real once in a lifetime experience and shouldn’t be taken on lightly but with the right preparation and mindset you’ll have a great time and the best memories to take back with you.

Big thanks to Chris and Global Shenanigans, I will be back!!

 by Charlie
Once in a lifetime!

I could not recommend Global Shenanigans enough!
The Kilimanjaro trip was possibly the best experience of my life and I don’t think it would have nearly as enjoyable without Chris and the team. From meeting at the airport to up the mountain then back down for a 3 day safari I was entertained every second of the way.
Can’t thank the team enough for not only getting us all to the top of the mountain but making it one of the most enjoyable experiences known to man.

Will definitely be going on a Global Shenanigans expedition in the future!
Cannot recommend enough.

 by Laura

An adventure like this is not to be taken lightly and Chris had everything in hand and organised down to the finest details. I was so impressed with the whole organisation and smooth running of the days activities and individual care of each of us. Chris’s knowledge and professionalism was consistent throughout.
The accommodations and the thought behind each one was second to none.
Whether you’re a solo traveller or part of a group,
and you are looking for a truly authentic journey, with an experienced team, than you have come to the very best place.
I’m so grateful that I was able to experience this beautiful country and it’s culture with a passionate leader who showed consideration and respect for the mountain team, the safari guides and the wonderful Tanzanian people, culture and wildlife.
I am looking forward to what more Global Shenanigans has to offer in the future!

 by Aaron Wood
Life Changing Sh!t

Chris was there to cover off every detail in person, from touchdown at Kilimanjaro airport through to the summit and the bar after! The amount of planning and preparation Chris put in to the trip was evident from the experience we had, all the GS partners including hotel staff and guides were super accommodating and friendly! The Mountain Crew in particular are legends and look after you incredibly well throughout the whole hike, they really will give you the best chance to summit! Tanzania is beautiful and the people incredibly welcoming. Great food, good beer, plenty of fun and a sense of accomplishment! POLE POLE